Categories: Education, Government, Profit, & Non-Profit
Business Category: Education, Government, Profit, & Non-Profit
Ashtabula County Recorder
County Recorder
Categories: Education, Government, Profit, & Non-Profit
Ashtabula County Technical & Career Campus
Adult workforce classes, customized training programs, and new hire assessments that serve area businesses & industry training needs
Categories: Education, Government, Profit, & Non-Profit
Ashtabula Foundation
Non- Profit Foundation serving the surrounding Ashtabula area.
Categories: Education, Government, Profit, & Non-Profit
First Baptist Church of Jefferson
Gospel Centered Church where the pastor preaches through the books of the Bible.
Categories: Education, Government, Profit, & Non-Profit
Growth Partnership For Ashtabula County
The County Lead economic development organization. A catalyst for improving quality of life, and an advocate for economic development.
Categories: Education, Government, Profit, & Non-Profit
Henderson Memorial Public Library

The Henderson Library provides printed materials and digital resources for education, information, recreation, and research, along with programs and activities for all ages. We are a member of the Clevnet consortium of libraries in Ohio. Free notary, free wi-fi, and public computers. We also provide fax, laminating, and printing services at a small fee.
Categories: Education, Government, Profit, & Non-Profit
Hope Community Church
A place to come as you are. Find family. Find hope.
Categories: Education, Government, Profit, & Non-Profit
Jefferson Area Local Schools
Education from kindergarten through 12th grade. The Future of Jefferson Citizens.

Jefferson residents, if you are not aware I wanted you to know that we (JALSD BOE) voted to reduce our bond Levy last month to pass some savings back to the voters.
Our feeling was; times have become very difficult especially with higher taxes, and we wanted to be able to give back considering our feasibility. We appreciate your confidence and the relationship that we have with the residents of the Jefferson Area Local School District.
Categories: Education, Government, Profit, & Non-Profit